Pragmatic guide to tulpamancy

In this guide, I’d like to introduce you to tulpamancy from practical point of view.

Instead of following the tradition of unfalsifiable claims about making a separate consciousness etc. like authors of traditional guides, I’ll show you what does it mean to have a tulpa from the point of view of a person who is fully immersed in it (rather than “objective” observer) yet rejects extraordinary assumptions about tulpa’s nature from websites like or

Chapters of the guide

In respective chapters, I will:

  1. Define tulpa as simply as possible, trying to capture the essence of tulpamancy without unnecessary assumptions. Then I’ll tell you what’s the difference between a tulpa and an (ordinary) imaginary friend.
  2. Tell you how to make a tulpa and maintain a tulpa (spoiler: it’s all about fantasizing). Then I’ll tell you about tulpas talking back to us.
  3. Elaborate on what really happens when tulpa talks back to us. Then I’ll show you straightforward path to switching.
  4. Show you possibility of your tulpa interacting with other people and forming their own relationships.
  5. Contemplate on if the tulpa can become equal to your default identity.
  6. Present the possible outcomes of tulpamancy.

Content of first two chapters is enough to have a tulpa that fulfills our definition at the start. Next chapters show possibilities rather than goals.

Nevertheless, I’d like you to read the whole guide before starting, just to be aware of tulpamancy’s potential and its pitfalls.