
You can also check out exact changes in our Gitlab repository .

Version 2.0

Completely reworked the guide. If you are curious about previous version, you can download it from our gitlab. Main changes:

There are multiple sections now:

  • The core guide is supposed to teach core parts of tulpamancy (including interactions, IIA, switching and tulpa’s interactions with other people). We don’t plan to add new content anymore or change it significantly, it’s supposed to remain simple and clean.
  • The more nuanced stuff is relegated to “Supplementary chapters” section. New chapters might be added there without bumping major version. For now it includes:
    • A chapter about problems people can encounter due to following traditional mindset
    • A chapter about multiple tulpas and systems.
    • A chapter about host in tulpamancy system.

Version 1.2

  • discord and gitlab links in icons at the top right
  • Restructure chapters
  • Add “About” preface
  • Changes in content of chapters 2.4 - 2.7

Version 1.1

  • Simplify introduction

Version 1.0

  • Official release