Mutations in tulpamancy systems

Creation and dissipation were already introduced in the guide.

Merge and split are not quite common in tulpamancy, especially at the beginning but you might have one eventually or meet people who did so we’ll explain them here.

Creation and Dissipation

A new tulpa is created by interacting with a character and establishing a relationship with them.

A tulpa dissipates when they no longer interact and stop functioning as an identity.

Tulpa Creation/Dissipation

Merge and Split

These transformations involve multiple tulpas

  • In case of merging, two tulpas transform into one tulpa. It happen when we start seeing them as identical.
  • Splitting is the opposite of merging. Contradictions in one tulpa might lead us to see them as two tulpas rather than one.

Tulpa Merge/Split

As you can see in the picture, relationship the host (and other tulpas or external people) might have with both tulpas also merge or split (or double).

Worth mentioning is the fact that merge/split affects number of distinct identities while keeping their relationships with others intact-ish while creation and dissipation involve creation and dissolving od relationships.

Keep in mind that just like dissipation and creation, merge and split are reversible.


A system can change through:

  • Creating a new tulpa – when interactions with a character elevate them into lasting explicit identity.
  • A tulpa getting dissipated – when a tulpa no longer has meaningful interactions and stops functioning as our identity.
  • Two tulpas getting merged into one – when two tulpas feel identical, they might end up as one eventually.
  • One tulpa getting split into two – one tulpa’s internal contradictions might lead them into becoming two tulpas eventually.

Creation and dissipation are connected to making and severing relationships while merge and split are mutations that preserve existing relationship with others.