
The guide is meant to teach “normal” people understanding tulpamancy. To guide you through a maze of tulpamancy the shortest way, metaphorically speaking.

Through the guide you’ve learned that:

  • Tulpas are characters just like those in books.
  • Characters talking back to us is not a new phenomenon and it isn’t specific to tulpas.
  • The real value added of tulpamancy is tulpa’s awareness of being a tulpa and us taking our relationship with them seriously.
  • To have a tulpa, you need to establish a relationship with them…
  • And to do that, you need to fantasize about your mutual interactions.
  • At some point, you will likely experience Illusion of Independent Agency when your tulpa “talks back”. As mentioned early, it’s not a phenomenon specific to tulpamancy.
  • Unconscious reactions of the tulpa when we experience IIA are still our (as a whole person) thoughts but under different identity.
  • Our default, usually implicit as in coupled with our physical appearance, identity is called the host. Tulpa is an explicit identity, associated with an independent character.
  • Switching in tulpamancy is about thinking consciously from tulpa’s perspective, using the tulpa as your primary identity for a while.
  • You can also interact and build relationships with other people from perspective of the tulpa.

In the guide I explained what you need to have a successful tulpamancy experience without needing any extraordinary assumptions about tulpa’s nature. We don’t have to delude ourselves to have a meaningful relationship with our tulpas and be able to switch with them.

To sum up what a tulpa is – tulpa is both the imaginary character that we interact and establish a genuine relationship with, and our another, explicit identity associated with that character. It mirrors situation with relationship and interactions, both sides being closely coupled with each other.

Character and identity

By the way, once you understood tulpamancy and learned how to switch with your tulpa, making another tulpa should be easy, Everything described in the guide can be applied to more characters and you won’t have to learn switching or experiencing IIA twice.