Host in tulpamancy system

What’s a host again?

The host is the main identity we use to interact with the world in our life. That’s all.

In practice, we also have other assumptions about the host. For most of us it’s our original identity that’s also implicit, as in associated with how we are seen by external people. In some tulpamancy system it changes eventually.

Explicit host

By default, the host is implicit identity but it can be changed. You can decouple your original identity from implicit association with how you are seen as a human being in a way similar to making a tulpa.

From perspective of the host you can:

  • give yourself a name other than the name you use as a human being,
  • in your fantasizing give yourself a form independent from how your body looks like,
  • change your mindset from being a John Smith (or whatever your human name is) to representing them.

Disclaimer: The autor chooses to remain an implicit host, like most of tulpamamcers.

Tulpa becoming the new host and original host becoming an ordinary tulpa.

Let’s assume that your tulpa takes more and more responsibility about interactions in other people and eventually the tulpa has become an identity you use by default when interacting with people. In this situation, we could say that the tulpa has become a host now. The original host (it would be weird if it’s still implicit one) in this situation has become just another tulpa.

Multiple hosts or no hosts?

Let’s assume that your host isn’t an implicit identity referring to your body anymore, you often switch your identities in real life and your tulpa interacts with all people you know to a comparable degree to the host, and you are comfortable with using both of your identities when interacting with everybody. When you meet a new person, none identity has a strong preference.

In case that some of your identities take a role of the host like that, we can say that there are a few hosts.

In case of all of your identities being equal at this, we could even say that the term host doesn’t really apply to you anymore as no identity is the main one.

Can the original host dissipate or merge?

If the (former) host doesn’t interact anymore, they dissipate just like an ordinary tulpa does. They become another character that doesn’t have attachment to real world.

If the explicit host and one of tulpas are becoming identical, they can merge into one identity too.

Keep in mind, by dissipating original host or getting them merged with a tulpa you don’t become different person. All of your experience, habits, memories formed under that identity are still there.

Tulpa’s primacy in a local context.

In practice, few tulpamancers even switch with their tulpas for real life interactions with normal people. On the other hand, for many tulpamancers the tulpa becomes their primary identity for their interactions with the community of tulpamancers. Sometimes even for their anonymous online activity in general.

Tulpas often become primary identities in a local context like that, while in general the implicit host remains the default identity.


Host is the primary identity of a whole person. That identity can be made explicit – decoupled from identification with external appearance. There is a possibility of elevating the tulpa to the level of the host, making more than one host. If all of your identities take role of the host, the term doesn’t really apply in your system anymore. The original host can also be relegated to role of ordinary tulpa if a tulpa takes the role of the default identity. They can even dissipate if they just don’t interact with other people or the world anymore or merge with another tulpa.

None of these situations with the host is purely hypothetical. I’ve seen it all in the community. Keep in mind that it doesn’t apply to majority of tulpamancers. Most of us still have an implicit host that remains our default identity. Changing it is something that can be done if you’d like it rather than something you should do.

For many of us, the tulpa becomes our primary identity when interacting with tulpa community or even our internet activity in general.