Traditional tulpamancy

The guide assumes the reader doesn’t know anything about tulpas. In reality, our guide is not the only one and not the first one and it’s likely that you’ve read other stuff before, most likely from more traditional school of tulpamancy.

The main difference between traditional and pragmatic approach to tulpamancy is that:

  • In traditional tulpamancy, we assume at start that tulpa is a separate person.
  • In pragmatic tulpamancy, we conclude that tulpa’s thoughts come from the same source as our usual thoughts as there is no basis for tulpa having their own independent mind. Therefore we are ultimately the same person.

Chapters under this section will address traditional tulpamancy issues and explain stuff that we consider obsolete in tulpamancy but you can still meet with in community.

In the first chapter we’ll address practical issues with traditional tulpamancy that can make one stuck or delusional.

In the second chapter we’ll explain possession, just worse alternative to switching.